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Station licence holders are allowed to permit others to speak via their station, under direct supervision, or write a message and have the station licensee transmit it, under certain conditions. One is that people who have had their amateur licence revoked cannot initiate such a message. The latter is typically as the result of a pattern of conduct, such as jamming nets or repeaters, or interfering with other services.
While there are few restriction regarding communications within the US, communications on behalf of third parties are restricted to those going to, or coming from, countries with which there are third party traffic agreements in place. I believe that the ITU had liberalised the passing of such messages between other countries, unless they specifically object. However, the US / FCC still insists that such agreements are in place. The use of any language is permitted, but ID must be in English (or using the modulation method used, such as Morse, or the digital mode, if sending text).
Messages on behalf of other amateurs, say arranging a contact, are not usually considered third party communications, but communications incidental to the operation of an Amateur station.
Note that, assuming a third-party agreement is in place, third party traffic across the northern or southern borders can be on VHF or UHF, so can be conducted by a Technician.
Off the paper, Packet Radio often relies on relaying and/or forwarding. Say a station deep in a valley near my station wants to connect to a bulletin board, VK2XY. They can use a command like "C VK2XY V VK2YJS", connect to VK2XY via VK2YJS, meaning their packet goes to my station which automatically retransmits it to VK2XY. All involved calls also appear in the data packets send back and forth.
It is also possible to send both messages to a nominated ham, and bulletins by location or topic. Both use an email address like format. In each case these messages pass via AX-25 packet, and for overseas message via either Pactor gateways or store-and-forward LEO satellites. As you can see these both use third party communications, but work by various automated processes, not two humans sitting at a desk or in a car, or one handing over a hand-held radio to the other.
I think these practical differences may have been to reason a question below was removed.
APRS packets, containing data such as position (the most common), or weather, etc, are also often retransmitted by other APRS stations.
One project I was thinking of was a number of members of a club, or just some friends, a clubroom, etc having APRS stations indicating the status of the electrical power supply at their homes, to provide a view of the extent of an outage, although it is possible companies now have a greater idea of what is happening themselves. However, I think if giving my home address, plus the club repeater's as being out was confusing enough, the idea that multiple addresses could be providing data might break the power company operator's brain.
There are a range of systems in which a licensed Amateur can operate a remote station, consisting of a radio, amplifier, and efficient antennas. In many cases these can be in excellent locations, such as beside a salt-water bay, or a high mountain. Some are community operated, or operated by a club. A ham can also control their own radio remotely, perhaps using a RaspberryPi. In many cases they can be all that is required is a PC with a microphone and headphones or speakers, running a web browser. A smartphone can also be used.
You must follow the rules of the country in which the station is located. For the US Remote Ham Radio this includes having a US licence.
You can allow a friend, student, etc, to talk via a remote station. Where third party traffic is permitted between the location of the station and ham in that country, this is permitted. This includes doing something like having your friend's family member speaking to your friend, while they are being supervised by the distant ham.
The primary commercial system is Remote Ham Radio, a system where you use their typically extensive stations. One includes a 2 metre DX station capable of EME. They have a free service for those 21 or under.
The community run Remote Hams allows you to use other stations, or to share your own.
You can control your own station via: Remote TX, Remote Rig, or Simple HHR, among others. FlexRadio, and potentially various Elecraft products, also support remote operation.
Not licensed, or just want to listen? KiwiSDR and WedSDR. I have used the former to listen to HF nets. Some cover LF and MF (LW & MW) too, including broadcast stations.
Local Control is when an amateur is sitting at the control panel of their radio, or using a handheld, or a handheld with a headset or hand-microphone. This includes a radio using a remote head, with the actual radio in the boot (trunk), etc; and I expect the IC-905, where the RF component is on the tower, but connected via a POE cable.
Remote Control is when you use the Internet, or other methods to control a station at another locations. This can be your own station, a club station, or a commercially run one. This term does not apply to telecommand of models, the lay person's meaning of "remote control", these are normally under local control, as you are holding the transmitter.
Automatic Control is when a station transmits telemetry data, APRS position or weather data packets; or when a packet station connects to your home packet station, to deliver a message, and your station responds with acknowledgement and similar packets. Other examples are repeaters, and digipeaters. It means that you can clip an APRS tracker to a search and rescue worker's backpack, and have it transmit your callsign, or the callsign of your RACES / ARES group, along with location data.
Stations are allowed to transmit RTTY or data emission under automatic control on the 6 metres and up (except the CW segments on 6m and 2m), and on the following segments: 28.120-28.189 MHz, 24.925-24.930 MHz, 21.090-21.100 MHz, 18.105-18.110 MHz, 14.0950-14.0995 MHz, 14.1005-14.112 MHz, 10.140-10.150 MHz, 7.100-7.105 MHz, and 3.585-3.600 MHz. For the exam these are simply "limited segments of some of the HF bands".
Except on 60 metres, a station may be automatically controlled while transmitting a RTTY or data emission on any other frequency where such emission types are permitted, provided that the station is responding to interrogation by a station under local or remote control, and the transmission from the automatically controlled station occupies a bandwidth of 500 Hz or less.
The latter part of the rule suggests modes such as FT8.
There globe is divided into three regions for the purposes of telecommunications.
Region 1 is Europe, the Africa, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union. Türkiye and Iraq are included. Cape Verde (D4) sneaks in too.
Region 2 is the Americas plus Hawaiʻi. It includes Galapagos (Ecuador) and Easter Island (Chile). In the north Atlantic it includes Greenland, OX (part of the Danish Realm), and Saint Pierre and Miquelon, FP (an overseas collectivity of France). The many nations, dependencies, and territories of the Caribbean and West Indies are also in the region, as are the Falklands and South Georgia.
Region 3 is southern and eastern Asia, taking in Iran and areas to the east, plus most of Oceania, including Australia and NZ. The latter includes New Caledonia (FK), and French Polynesia (FO), where CEPT arrangements apply. Guam and several nearby US possessions are also in R3.
These zones govern the bands and band segments permitted for operation on US territories, and from US registered vessels and aircraft in international waters.
Oceans are divided as shown in Wikipedia: ITU Region, and in documents linked from it. Lines, such as Line B which divides the Atlantic vertically, are clearly different to the lettered lines associated with the US-Canadian borders.
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Map, including Region 2, the Americas, in cyan. The small circles denote small nations and territories; and around the UK, the Crown Dependencies. To its north are the Faroe Islands, OY (Denmark). San Marino and Vatican City (Holy See) are also indicated. Image: Maximilian Dörrbecker |
ITU recommendations to national governments regarding uses of radio spectrum are based on these zones. As an example, the national broadcasters of the many nations of Europe and Asia wished to broadcast to listeners via shortwave radio, such as in the 41 metre band, meaning that this band is more extensive in R1 and R3 than in R2. Thus the size of 40 metres varies.
Meanwhile, an ambulance in western Europe is far less likely to need HF communications than one even 150 km from Sydney, Australia (R3). The latter means services listed as "Fixed" and "Mobile" might have greater allocations in R3 than R1, or this can be done via a nationally applicable "Footnote". This may affect bands such as 160 metres and 80 metres (especially the "75 meters" voice segment).
Note that while US personnel in locations such as Germany may obtain reciprocal licences under a Status Of Forces Agreement (SOFA), these are local (eg German) licences, so the regulations of the host nation apply.
The French administered areas, and the countries within the Danish Realm, are within CEPT, along with the UK's Crown Dependencies. The British Overseas Territories are not. Areas associated with the Netherlands are non-member signatories, as are the US, Canada, Peru, Australia, NZ, Israel, and South Africa.
Antarctica is not in any zone, with licensing by the nation controlling the base from which the operation is taking place, or the nation of the operator.
These are actual questions from the General exam pool.
G1E01 [97.115(b)(2)]
Which of the following would disqualify a third party from participating in stating a message via an amateur station?
A. The third party's amateur license has been revoked and not reinstated
B. The third party is not a U.S. citizen
C. The third party is speaking in a language other than English
D. All these choices are correct
It is only a person who has had their US licence revoked, and not reinstated. I suppose, among other things, it prevents those with psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies coercing or conning others to allow them to operate under their licence, answer A.
G1E02 [97.205(b)]
When may a 10-meter repeater retransmit the 2-meter signal from a station having a Technician class control operator?
A. Under no circumstances
B. Only if the station on 10-meters is operating under a Special Temporary Authorization allowing such retransmission
C. Only during an FCC declared general state of communications emergency
D. Only if the 10-meter repeater control operator holds at least a General class license
The US does not have the same restrictive regulations as Australia, so a Technician can transmit into a repeater system which includes an output on 10 metres. It is the General or better licence of the repeater's control operator which matters in this case, answer D, for Delta.
G1E03 [97.221]
What is required to conduct communications with a digital station operating under automatic control outside the automatic control band segments?
A. The station initiating the contact must be under local or remote control
B. The interrogating transmission must be made by another automatically controlled station
C. No third party traffic may be transmitted
D. The control operator of the interrogating station must hold an Extra Class license
If a person operating a station under local or remote control contacts your digital station, it may respond under automatic control, answer A.
G1E04 [97.13(b), 97.303, 97.311(b)]
Which of the following conditions require a licensed Amateur Radio operator to take specific steps to avoid harmful interference to other users or facilities?
A. When operating within one mile of an FCC Monitoring Station
B. When using a band where the Amateur Service is secondary
C. When a station is transmitting spread spectrum emissions
D. All of these choices are correct
A large signal in close proximity to an FCC monitoring station could interfere with their monitoring work, so you need to take care in these areas, especially within 1600 metres of the station; using a band where Amateur is secondary means you need to be careful to avoid interfering with the primary user; and when using spread spectrum, you need to be careful not to interfere with those in the band your signal is spreading across; thus all are correct, D.
The text of 97.13(b) is "1600 m (1 mile)". Failing to avoid interference to these station could result in an FCC manager imposing limits on the Amateur station. I expect keeping power levels sensible, and not directing signals through high gain antennas towards the stations should avoid problems.
G1E05 [97.115(a)(2),97.117]
What are the restrictions on messages sent to a third party in a country with which there is a Third-Party Agreement?
A. They must relate to emergencies or disaster relief
B. They must be for other licensed amateurs
C. They must relate to amateur radio, or remarks of a personal character, or messages relating to emergencies
or disaster relief
D. The message must be limited to no longer than 1 minute in duration and the name of the third party must be recorded in the station log
Only ham related material, personal messages, or disaster and emergency communications may be sent, answer C.
These are very similar to the restrictions which apply to normal Amateur operations, the main parameter being that the communications are not for financial benefit, and clearly not be in support of unlawful activities.
G1E06 [97.301, ITU Radio Regulations]
The frequency allocations of which ITU region apply to radio amateurs operating in North and South America?
A. Region 4
B. Region 3
C. Region 2
D. Region 1
The Americas are Region 2, answer C.
The numbers perhaps coincide roughly with the Old World, New World, and the "Third World". Note that the last term is primarily a reference to countries not being aligned to either the "West", or to the Soviet bloc.
G1E07 [97.111]
In what part of the 2.4 GHz band may an amateur station communicate with non-licensed Wi-Fi stations?
A. Anywhere in the band
B. Channels 1 through 4
C. Channels 42 through 45
D. No part
Hams using hacked Wi-Fi gear for ham purposes, or at ham powers, etc, may not use it to communicate with non-hams, answer D.
As a reminder, 2.4 GHz is the 13 cm band which intersects with the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical band in which Wi-Fi, microwave ovens, and the like operate.
G1E08 [97.313(j)]
What is the maximum PEP output allowed for spread spectrum transmissions?
A. 100 milliwatts
B. 10 watts
C. 100 watts
D. 1500 watts
Spread Spectrum may be used at up to 10 watts, answer B.
It appears this limit may also apply to hacked Wi-Fi gear used on the Amateur bands.
G1E09, which dealt with third party communications via digital stations has been deemed "defective", and this removed. It referenced 97.115.
G1E10 [97.101]
Why should an amateur operator normally avoid transmitting on 14.100, 18.110, 21.150, 24.930 and 28.200 MHz?
A. A system of propagation beacon stations operates on those frequencies
B. A system of automatic digital stations operates on those frequencies
C. These frequencies are set aside for emergency operations
D. These frequencies are set aside for bulletins from the FCC
These frequencies are used by the system of 18 IARU propagation beacons around the world, answer A.
G1E11 [97.221, 97.305]
On what bands may automatically controlled stations transmitting RTTY or data emissions communicate with other automatically controlled digital stations?
A. On any band segment where digital operation is permitted
B. Anywhere in the non-phone segments of the 10-meter or shorter wavelength bands
C. Only in the non-phone Extra Class segments of the bands
D. Anywhere in the 6-meter or shorter wavelength bands, and in limited segments of some of the HF bands
This is in the VHF and above bands, and certain parts of some HF bands, answer D.
This answer fails to exclude such operation the CW-only segments in the lowest 100 kHz of 6 and 2 metres, and the highly restricted data-forwarding-only part of 1.25 metres.
G1E12 [97.115]
When may third-party messages be transmitted via remote control?
A. Under any circumstances in which third party messages are permitted by FCC rules
B. Under no circumstances except for emergencies
C. Only when the message is intended for licensed radio amateurs
D. Only when the message is intended for third parties in areas where licensing is controlled by the FCC
If you are operating a remote station the same rules for third-party traffic apply as if you were sitting in front of the radio, answer A.
Thus, if you have a Remote Ham Radio account, you can typically supervise your non-ham friend as they talk to others using it, just as you could let them sit beside you in a ham "shack" in the US, and talk on that radio. The same rules applies as if you were operating a radio in the US, with regard to speaking to stations outside the US. As an example, you could let them speak to a station or family member in Cuba (CM & CO), but apparently not in French Guiana (FY).
The ITU rules now indicate that third party traffic is permitted unless a government registers an objection to such traffic between certain countries. The US / FCC has NOT amended its rules to follow this.
Congratulations! That is the regulations done!
If you are not doing the Extra in the session you do this exam, you may wish to review the regulations in the Extra section of my site once you have passed this paper. This will give you a fuller appreciation of the regulations related to HF operations.
On to: Operations 1 - Phone operations, Courtesy, and Emergency Comms
You can find links to lots more on the Learning Material page.
Written by Julian Sortland, VK2YJS & AG6LE, May 2024.
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